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Indus Valley Foundation (IVF)

With a great vision of Dr Talavane Krishna The Indus valley Foundation (IVF) was founded as a not for profit organization to train and empower rural and tribal youth who in the wellness industry.

The Foundation has pioneered a training program for 12 months, which includes 6 months of Internship with certification. IVF has trained hundreds of such youth and placed them in various Spas, resorts and wellness centres across India and overseas. Many have become Entrepreneurs. As part of this training program, the students undergo intensive training in Communication skills in English and personality development along with basic computer skills. Our program has been extremely successful through standardization and adopting Technology. IVF now intend to expand our training program across India and also plan on Offering online training program with certification. IVF have trained over 500 therapists since year 2000 and have been 100% successful in providing them gainful employment in the wellness industry.

WOWAyurevda ‘s therapist team is powered by IVF trained therapists, So every amount spent at WOWAyurveda shall support the great cause of IVF to empower rural youth.